14 March, 2012

Life has been crazy!

We're just over two weeks from moving and things are really picking up speed.

Finally decided on a paint color for our bedroom. My son and I painted today and we're going back this afternoon to finish that. We are getting the kitchen cabinets this weekend. My plan is for my husband to get padding and put carpet in at least one of the kids' room today. He isn't aware of said plan yet ;)  I'll tell him when he goes to lunch. That way we can finish painting while he does that... and I'll buy him dinner since we won't get home until later than usual and we get up so unbelievably early (3am!!).

Life right now is so very good. I haven't had much time for writing since we've been working like mad to get the place ready to move in to... we have to be in by March 31 since we both refuse to pay another month's rent on my place. I cannot wait to have three fewer bills each month!

I hope you're all inspired and writing. Read an interesting article about writer's block. You can access it here: Breaking the Block.  Hopefully that will spark some ideas to get through that frustrating time.

Until later. . .

Keep writing!

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