Silent War

This was originally published in the Writer's Post Journal in August 2005

Silent War

We sit next to each other on the couch, not speaking.  When the news ends, you turn to me; the desire in your azure eyes unmistakable. I used to get lost in those eyes but not tonight.   Tonight I'm angry with you; although you don't know why, may not even realize I'm in a bad mood.  I glance away, keeping my expression neutral and wonder why I don't just tell you what's wrong.   I know you won't ask, you'll get the attitude you always get when things don't go your way.  Your normally firm jaw will harden further and your eyes will turn flinty, yet you'll feign indifference.   You slide your arm behind my shoulders and finger a lock of my hair.  Your voice echoes in my mind, saying I imagined everything.   I try to keep my shoulders from stiffening but can't.  The questions in your eyes make me explode.  I stand, shaking with fury, and stalk into the study.   When I slam the door closed and lean against it, I feel you sigh.  My anger deflates and my legs tremble. 

I wonder how we can fight without saying a word.  And why you always win.

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