15 February, 2012

Mid-week Blahs

Do you have them? Do they interfere with your writing? How do you combat them?

Every day I work on motivation. Setting aside time to write, finding something to write about, keeping focus. Sometimes it's tough. Sometimes it's easy and the ideas flow and time flies and I find I've been writing for hours without even realizing it. That is such a great feeling! That's what I strive for each and every day.

My plan for today is to write, but I also have other projects I'm working on and they're stealing time away. This is when motivation kicks in. If I don't make myself write, carve out time from the other activities, I won't do it. I can almost always find something else to do when I'm unmotivated and uninspired. I have new ideas, but starting is tough. You'd think, with all these great ideas percolating, it would be easy, but that blank page. . . sometimes it's intimidating. And sometimes finding the beginning is hard. 

So don't. Start in the middle. Start at the end and write back. Whatever works. Maybe you won't be able to use the scenes later, and maybe you will. But when you write, other ideas come. It is just the way it work. One idea spins off another and while sometimes it carries your story in another, unexpected, direction, go with it!

Now, get to that keyboard and WRITE.

Until later. . .

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