03 February, 2012

Another Early Morning

It doesn't bother me a bit to get up in the middle of the night. I find I'm much more productive when it's quiet. Too bad my children don't understand that ;)

Usually I start out by checking Facebook and Twitter. Yes, I'm guilty of playing a couple games on FB, which takes a little time first thing. Then I go over any statuses that might be interesting or even spark writing ideas, especially those crazy headlines.

It doesn't take long before I'm hard at work, either thinking of something to write on here or expanding a story idea. I worked for several days on one such idea only to realize about 10K words in that it wasn't "big" enough to fill a novel. That's been shelved for now, but who knows? It may spark either a new idea or something to deepen it may occur to me. I rarely just delete that much writing. I save it in a special folder and every now and then go back and review what's in there.

Sometimes, if I suffer from "writer's block" I go back and revise/edit completed novels. If I really don't want to write, if the motivation is completely absent, I read. I don't seem to finish books as fast as in the past, either from lack of time or something else, which is good because that means I have more to read :) I used to run out of books way too fast. Not these days.

Between the renovations on our new house (so we can move in sooner), planning our wedding (April 28, 2012) and making sure the kids get their schoolwork done, sometimes there's precious little time left to write. The next couple months will be busy around here, but like you, I carve out time to expand those ideas.

When do ideas usually occur to you? I'm guilty of coming up with them while I'm driving. I used to keep a notebook in my car so I could jot them down, but now I just stop somewhere and store them in my phone. Gotta love those smartphones! :)

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Until later...

Keep writing and sparking those ideas!

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